A Talk with Miles Kimberly, from Hero for a Day.
Miles is a disabled veteran.
He needs motorized access to be out on the trails.
Miles Kimberly is the veteran representative for our Hero for a Day Charity.
The Trail Hero supports Hero for a Day .
As you know, E3 OffRoad Association supports Hero for a Day.
Every month, E3 Off Road Association makes a donation to Hero for a Day. It’s a percentage of dues from E3 Off Road Association Members.
This charity was formed for one reason, to give people with special needs access to motorized transportation. Some of these people were wounded in war, and can’t hike. Some of the people we help have birth defects, and can’t bike, or even ride on horseback. Others can’t ride on their own to be able to get on the mountains and trails.
To get them out on the public lands, and be able to see the beautiful scenery, others provide motorized transportation or an empty seat. That way they can mingle with the great people that make up the off road world.
For kids, it’s like therapy for them.
Recently, a group brought 20 kids out to ride in off road vehicles, so they can see sights and go places that they will never go to or never see, unless people like us make it possible. For people like this, they can finally forget about their worry and the pain they live with for a little while.
Miles organizes the veterans run at The Trail Hero. He hosts it every year, and he’s been doing this for three years now. He took fifty people through a 9-rated trail just the other day.
With his charity, they raise funds for people that need it, like off roaders who got injured and just can’t do it anymore. Miles hooks them up with special controls in their vehicles for the ones who can still get out there and do it. Which is great, even though they still battle their disabilities along the way.
They provide special equipment and seating, so if they can’t get out there and wheel on their own, they can at least have a safe, comfortable seat that can be attached to someone else’s vehicle, and have a hell of a time riding the trails and mountains.
They get set up with hand controls and feet controls so they can really get out there, even though some still have trouble even using the hand controls and feet controls.
All in all, guys like Miles and more, are helping these guys and ladies to get out there.
Because, when you can’t do what you love to do, it’s hard. Keeping them on the road is a great thing. Since so many vets and disabled people battle depression at a high level. So anything we can do for them to make their lives more enjoyable is a great thing.